
Elmer Guevara // Mi Orgullo
Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon

Elmer Guevara // Mi Orgullo

January 21st - March 6th, 2021

In Mi Orgullo, Guevara’s body of work honors and accounts his parent’s homeland experiences of civil war in 1980s El Salvador and the struggles they endured migrating and adapting to Los Angeles culture. Weaved within these experiences is his own personal narrative - prideful recollections of both the fond memories and wounds of his upbringing in Los Angeles. Guevara’s visual reconstruction of these narratives helps him both understand the distress that has shaped his parent’s being, while also illuminating the dimensions of his own identity that have been shaped by inherited trauma. The figures he portrays serve as vessels holding the complexities of memory - from El Salvador to Los Angeles.

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Devin Reynolds // Vaguely Political
Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon

Devin Reynolds // Vaguely Political

August 1st - November 7th, 2020

Vaguely Political is an extension of Reynolds’ first L.A. solo show, titled Vaguely Familiar in 2019. Reynolds continues to reference hand painted signage, narrative mural painting techniques and material application on board and canvas. The work in this exhibition depicts the imagery of his blue-collar upbringing in Venice, CA in the early 90s.

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Devon Tsuno // Shikata Ga Nai
Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon

Devon Tsuno // Shikata Ga Nai

February 8th - May9th, 2020

To yonsei, like Devon Tsuno, shikata ga nai is synonymous with camp. We learned to call it camp—the noun not modified by internment or incarceration or concentration—just camp. To our issei and nisei elders, camp couldn’t be helped. Post-camp, the sansei navigated between their parents’ intense desire to assimilate and the radical awakenings of the 60s and 70s.

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Then: An Historical Survey of The Collective
Curatorial Project Rick Garzon Curatorial Project Rick Garzon

Then: An Historical Survey of The Collective

The Collective
The Collective is an historic, Los Angeles Arts Organization, formally in existence from 1999 through 2006. The Collective is significant to the rich history of Los Angeles artists, arts organizations and arts activism, and specifically to the history of black artists and arts professionals working in the City and County of Los Angeles, and black-owned galleries and community spaces of that time.

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Devin B Johnson // The Atmosphere of Certain Uncertainty
Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon

Devin B Johnson // The Atmosphere of Certain Uncertainty

September 21st - November 16th, 2019

The work presented in The Atmosphere of Certain Uncertainty was created in response to Frantz Fanon’s 1952 novel “Black Skin White Masks”, in which Fanon attempts to break down and conceptualize the contemporary black male psyche. Johnson metaphorically reinterprets the “white mask” as white socks that serves as a reminder of that assimilation we walk into everyday just as much as the mask, as implied by Fanon.

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Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon


For all intents and purposes, HOMEBASE serves as a love letter to Los Angeles. This exhibition’s endeavor is to draw attention to those stories of those Angelenos not seen in everyday media, as well as highlight unnoticed areas in our city.

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Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon


In noting geography as a spatial practice which highlights ways of seeing and unseeing, this exhibition asks how these artists works become a type of absorptive cartography offering realms of inimitable sight and place. These are maps of imaginings wherein the elements of here are strategies of placemaking.

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Deep Waters
Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon

Deep Waters

Deep Waters is group exhibition exploring the here and now as liminal space. Situated between the wounded histories of our ancestors and a collective memory of a future shaped by our hand. Works included in the exhibition by JEM, Andre Keichian, Karla Ekatherine Canseco, Savannah Wood, Ellie Lee, Noe Olivas and Maria Maea.

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Plain Sight
Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon

Plain Sight

This exhibition features work by artists both established and emerging, who are seeking a nuanced understanding of history through an intimacy with the natural world. Using research, ritual, and close observation, these artists make work that questions authoritative reality and shapes new ways of seeing Southern California.

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The New Contemporaries Vol. I
Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon

The New Contemporaries Vol. I

(Inglewood, CA) Residency Art Gallery is extremely pleased to present the inaugural installment of The New Contemporaries. This group exhibition will run from June 16th through August 25th, 2018, with an opening reception that will take place on Saturday, June 16th from 6pm to 10pm. The New Contemporaries, Vol I will feature all-new work from Alex Anderson, Felipe Baeza, Lorenzo Baker, Coleman Collins, Aaron Estrada, Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, Kohshin Finley, texas isaiah, Devin B. Johnson, Kya Lou, Star Montana, Elliot Reed and Vaughn Spann

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David Antonio Cruz // wegivesomuch-andgivenothingatall, paintings for richard
Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon Exhibition // Inglewood Rick Garzon

David Antonio Cruz // wegivesomuch-andgivenothingatall, paintings for richard

Residency Art Gallery is extremely pleased to present the solo exhibition wegivesomuchandgivenothingatall, paintings for richard, by David Antonio Cruz. The solo exhibition will run from April 7th through June 2nd, with an opening reception on Saturday, April 7th from 6pm to 9pm.

David Antonio Cruz is an artist whose work often centers around the intersections of
genderqueerness, race, and society. His multidisciplinary practice confronts the
invisibility of the queer brown and black bodies through the use of portraiture and
opera-like performances. wegivesomuchandgivenothingatall, paintings for
richard, is a collection of portraits within that same oeuvre looks specifically at the
trans community and the violence done unto the community. The exhibition pays
homage to the memory of trans persons who were brutally murdered between 2017
and 2018. The series, which includes 28 paintings, mixed media collages, and
drawings, not only seeks to lay bare the glaring systemic violence against the trans community; but also, strives to revive the individuality, beauty, and humanity of each slain victim. Cruz’s work navigates the tension between anonymous, but impactful statistical data and individual visibility.

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